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Financial Aid/Scholarships




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                                         How to Apply for Scholarships                                        Timelines, Template, Checklist



Oklahoma’s Promise

Click HERE for the information sheet.

Click below to enroll online or see Mrs. Savage
for a paper copy.

OK Promise


Chegg Scholarship Search Scholarship Search

FastWeb Scholarship Search


Sallie Mae Loans & Scholarship Search

OKCollegeStart Scholarship Search



Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship
and Employment Incentive Program

”Inspired to Teach”

Program participants may have the opportunity to earn
up to $25,500 as they complete their Educator Preparation Program
and teach in Oklahoma.

For more information, click HERE.



Oklahoma Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students of farm families in rural Oklahoma.
Deadline April 15, 2025.

Click HERE for application.


The Frances Koop Parsons/AT&T Pioneers Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship program has been established through the AT&T Pioneers
to assist Oklahoma students in obtaining their education goals.The
recipients of this 
scholarship will receive a $1,000 cash award
to be used at an eligible Oklahoma career technology center,
two-year college, or four-year university.
Deadline March 21, 2025

Click HERE to go to the online application.


Garfield County & Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Scholarship

Garfield County application is for two five hundred scholarship to a
high school senior 
that will be pursuing an associate/bachelor degree
or plans on attending a tech school. The senior must be a child
of a parent or grandparent that is an active member of Oklahoma
Cattlemens Assoc. in Garfield County.  Deadline is March 26, 2025.

Click HERE for the online application.


RE/MAX “Above the Crowd” Scholarship

RE/MAX Premier, Realtors® of Enid, will be awarding one student
the "Above the Crowd" $1000 scholarship.  Deadline April 14, 2025.

Click HERE for the application.


Have not received information on these scholarships yet.


Hispanic Scholarship Fund

HSF empowers families with the knowledge and resources to
successfully complete a higher education,
while providing scholarships
and support services to as many exceptional students as possible.
Deadline Feb. 15, 2024.




2023 Integris Volunteer Auxiliary High School Scholarship Application

This program is available to graduates with an immediate family member
employed by INTEGRIS Health in the metro and in Enid. 

Gandy Ink Scholarship

Gandy Ink is offering 10 – $1000 scholarships.


St. Mary’s Volunteers Scholarship

This scholarship is for any interested student.  


Oklahoma Schools Insurance Group

Due date for this scholarship to be turned in to Mrs. Savage 
is Feb. 14, 2025.  I have printed copies in my office.
Garber is in the Northwest (NW) district.

Click HERE for application.


Delta Theta Chi Sorority National Scholarship

Contact Info:
Oklahoma Delta Chapter
Sharon West
4310 Oakcrest Ave.
Enid, OK  73703

Deadline is Feb. 1, 2025

Click HERE for the website.

Clcik HERE for the application,
or see Mrs. Savage.


Rotary Club of Enid Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Enid will award up to $5,000 in scholarships.

Click HERE for scholarship application
or see Mrs. Savage.

Deadline is March 1, 2025.


Communities Foundation of Oklahoma

This scholarship application contains 3 Garber scholarships,
plus 200+ scholarship opportunities.
Deadline is March 10, 2025.

Click HERE for the online application.


Oklahoma City Community Foundation

The OCCF has a Univeral Application to see if you qualify for 200+ scholarships

Click HERE to go to the website to apply.


Garfield County Republican Women’s Club

Applicants should be a female graduating senior that either lives in
Garfield  County or attends a Garfield County school.
This is an essay scholarship.
Deadline March 29, 2025

Click HERE for application. 



Enid Writer’s Club Short Story Scholarship

Students will submit a maximum 2,000-word short story.

Deadline is March 15, 2025.

Click HERE for information.


Vance Spouse’s Club Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is for dependents of one of the following:
1.  Active duty or reserve military personnel assigned
to Vance AFB
(officer or enlisted)
2.  Local area retired or deceased military personnel
(officer or enlisted)
3.  DoD contractors at Vance AFB
4.  Civilian DoD employees at Vance AFB

Deadline is March 28, 2025

Click HERE for the application.


Suzanne E. Johnson Education Scholarship

This $1000 scholarship is for high school seniors pursuing a career
in elementary education.  Deadline is April 30, 2025.

Click HERE for the applicaiton or see Mrs. Savage.


Inter Racial Women’s Club MLK Scholarship

This scholarship is for black/African American students. 
It is a $500 scholarship available for 4 years.
The deadline is March 28.

Click HERE for the scholarship application.






Have not received information on these scholarships yet.



ACB Bank Scholarship

One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a Garber High
School senior who has been approved for enrollment at any

Oklahoma collegee or university.


Hagan Scholarship Foundation

The Hagan Scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to
8 consecutive semester workshops to learn important life skills
not typically covered in the college curriculum, funds to purchase
college essentials, an HSF Schwab Brokerage Account to manage,
funds to study and travel abroad,and the opportunity to extend the
Hagan Scholarship to obtain a graduate or profession degree.

For more information, click HERE.


Organization of Rural Oklahoma Schools

Due date for this scholarship to be turned in to Mrs. Savage
is Feb. 14, 2025.  Application and essay must be typewritten.  
Garber is in the Northwest (NW) district.

Click HERE for the application.  


Garber Alumni Scholarship

The Alumni Association gives out a total of
12 scholarships on one application.

Breckinridge Scholarship ($2,000)
Championship Scholarship ($2,000)
Alumni Scholarship ($2,000)
Merl Huntsinger Scholarship ($2,500)
Fred & Faith Postier Scholarship (6 total for $2,500)
John Brehmer Scholarship ($200)
Ivanette Southwick-Morris Scholarship ( $500)

Click HERE for the scholarship.

Deadline is March 1, 2025.


Garber Local Scholarship

This is a local scholarship that will be available for
these scholarships:
Athenian Club Scholarship
Garber Community Improvement Assoc. (GCIA) Scholarship
Garber Fire Department Scholarship
Kathy Sims Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Garber Faculty
Lion’s Club Scholarship

LInda DeShazo Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by GEA
True & Honest Workers Scholarship

Click HERE for the scholarship application.

Deadline is March 1, 2025.  Return application to Mrs. Savage.


Garber Coop Scholarship

Scholarship recipient must be a child or grandchild
of a member of the Garber Coop Assn.

Click HERE for scholarship application.

Deadline March 1, 2025.  Return application to Mrs. Savage.



If you are interested in playing sports in college, you will need to register with the NAIA and/or NCAA. 
The cost to register for each one is $90, but the NCAA will allow you to make a Profile Account for free.  
The NCSA is another tool to help you with recruiting.  To start it it free, but you can pay for more access.


       NAIA                                                 NCAA




Garber Wolverine